Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Preparing For Your SATs: The More You Read, The More You Get Better At It

Your SAT preparation test should already include all 3 parts of your SAT. There are three things that you should be good at: writing essays, answering English passages correctly, and solving mathematical problems as well. Critical Reading, as its name says it all, is indeed one "critical" part of the exam that most students stress about so much. For a teacher's part on the other hand, having to read the all too common testimonials of students currently undergoing SAT preparations would be amazed at how much these phrases often come up: "too boring", too literal", and "too difficult to understand", "it" referring to the passages given.

Even though teachers would hate to admit it, even they could not really say that all of the passages being used in the SATs are really that interesting. This could be one of the major reasons why students just hate to read all these passages in the SATs, well most of them. So for a critical analysis of the Critical Reading part of the test, here are some thoughts on that:

So basically the Critical Reading part of this exam would have 4 to 6 sentences questions that you need to answer. Follow the link to learn more about what's the best SAT book. What follows next is a series of reading passages you have to read, and then followed by the questions in multiple choice that would need your answers. So basically the completion of the sentence would require you to fill up the missing answer from the choices, so you have to choose the one that makes sense the most.

You might be wondering what exactly is the sentence completion part of the test means. So this part of the test would actually allow you to improve on your vocabulary as well as test ho rich it is. Also, it tests the ability of the examinee on how well he would be able to find the relationship of two or more words. So probably now you are wondering how to prepare yourself for the sentence completion part of the test.

So the safest answer would be to improve your vocabulary and store more words in there.

Well what you really need to do is increase the size of your vocabulary tank. Mindless studying would not do you good when you are tackling a vocabulary based test. The best thing you col dprobably do is study at least three thousand words complete with its meaning. Also, make it a point to study roots as well as prefixes such as in Latin, English, or Greek.

So as long as you follow the simple tips above, along with hard work and endless nights of studying, you will surely do well with your SATs.

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